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Мемуары из другого времени - Memoirs from Another Time (Retro)
из серии Retro
автор: Karl Angerer
Olympus OM-1, 50mm, Ilford PAN F ISO 50
Unfortunately I cant upload a larger version. max. 800pix :(

ответить  Karl Angerer (автор) 30.06.2004 21:24 / 19:24
"angels have no pity, their wings have turned to stone…"

The story:
1. There is an artist who drew a picture once of Vienna after an attack with nuclear weapons. Only these towers are seen there. They are really very massiv and it is impossible to remove them so now they put them under protection and cultural heritage.
2. A little more facts about the towers. They decided to remove this one by cutting it and pushing it over. But, seismologists then found out that if it falls over there will be a small earthquake that would break all windows and make some damage till the center of Vienna. Unbelieveable isnt it! Millions of tons of concrete!
3. Next fact about this collosus is that the concrete is very strong. In our time now it is not possible to recreate or produce such concrete. Aparently if "Der F?hrer" said it sould be done, it was done. Fascinating, this will resist any war till the end of days :)
4. When I was taking the fotos in the "Augarten" an elderly man started telling me the whole history of the park and these towers two of which are in this park. This one on the top, is that main one and is connected underground to the neighboring one to give information about incoming enemy planes.

ответить  Холодный Lyka 01.07.2004 03:00 / 02:00
чет интересное покрупнее бы чтоб расмотреть

ответить  jan 03.07.2004 13:47 / 11:47
Karl Angerer: Which part of Vienna is this? I happen to visit your city from time to time…

ответить  Karl Angerer (автор) 03.07.2004 15:17 / 13:17
jan: It is in the Augarten in the second district, if your cross the bridge at the U4 Metro Station at Rossauerlaende or Schottenring over the Danube channel. Frm Rossauerlaende you can see it very well, it is so huge :)

ответить  jan 04.07.2004 01:31 / 23:31
Karl Angerer: Thanks, I'll see next time I come.

ответить  de a 10.07.2004 00:36
бункерно и самолётно

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